Patch #5 for Future Fragments



This patch has a huge number of bugfixes, but most notably, it also has some significant gameplay changes and additi

Finally, the full Gallery is in the game! It'll be retroactively unlocked for those who've already done so, but if you haven't, you'll need 5 Achievements per level, out of 10. However, if you get all 10 achievements in a level, (for the first four levels only), you'll also get a special POV animation not seen anywhere else in the game (it's not some huge thing, just to temper your expectations).

And there's more than H-scenes in the gallery, too; there's also a list of the True Endings (which you can re-watch) and the Faux Endings (you'll be able to re-watch those next patch).

There's also Vie's Hideout, a bonus mode within the Gallery that'll unlock once you've gotten at least one True Ending, where all the H-animations in the game will randomly cycle, aided by Vie's commentary about what's going on (you can toggle this on/off).

A new functionality addition is the Auto-Charge Shot option, so for those of you who don't like holding the button down to fire off Charge Shots, you can now enable this in the options menu, after the first level, to have Talia's Charge Shot constantly charging.

Speaking of making things a bit easier,  (they'll play after you've been there a bit), as well as a series of cutscenes/functionality that will allow you to auto-solve the Laser Puzzle rooms if you're totally stuck on them, or just don't like doing those sorts of puzzles.

And to make navigation easier
, you can now see the Module you're in, under the minimap.

Finally, we've also made two of the in-game achievements easier, since those were notoriously hard for people to find, and not in a fun way.



You'll need to download the new Future Fragments v1.0.5 zip file on Itch.

All your save files should transfer over without any additional work needed.



  • Shea in EndMap 20 of The End
  • Big Nate Allen in P6M1 of the Uncharted Wildwoods
  • A global scene that plays the first time you read a Silver Databank, clarifying they're entirely optional / not part of the main plot / can be listened to it one shot later
  • "Post-Boss" choice scene for the Mainframe fight added between the Gratification Factory and Uncharted Wildwoods
  • Multiple new softlock areas/scenes for the Gratification Factory "Softlock" achievement added
  • Multiple QoL cutscenes will play in the Celodst Resupply Laser Puzzle rooms if you're stuck on any of them for more than 5 minutes, where you'll get an offer to have the puzzle solved for you if you'd like
  • A hint scene for how to beat P2M5a of the Uncharted Wildwoods that plays if you've been stuck there for more than 1 minute (audio coming in next patch)
  • Another Faux Ending added


  • Expanded and polished the existing enemy/animation Gallery:
  • Added the special "POV" / "High-res" animations to the Gallery (never seen anywhere until now!)
  • Added all cutscene and NPC sex animations to the Gallery
  • Added all environmental trap animations to the Gallery
  • Added proper sex SFX and moans for all NPC animations
  • Added the functionality to re-watch the full cutscene for bosses, NPCs, and other cutscene sex animations, inside the Gallery
  • Added two new Gallery pages for re-watching any "True" or "Faux" Endings you have unlocked
  • Added a brand new special Gallery-based mode called "Vie's Hideout" (unlocks once you've gotten at least one True Ending)
  • Changed naming of "region" to "node" on the main Gallery page for consistency
  • The True Endings bug is ACTUALLY fixed this time, fully, for sure; all True Endings will display as intended
  • However, five of the True Endings had continuity issues, so their text is dummied out while they're being fixed: they'll be back in shortly, and if you unlock them, you can re-watch them once the fixes are in
  • The 1st "hard achievements" for the Gratification Factory and Uncharted Wildwoods have been simplified to be more straightforward to trigger
  • Auto-Charge mode has been added to the options menu; toggle this to have Talia constantly charge her shot, removing the need to hold the charge yourself if you'd like
  • Your current location has now been added below the minimap, to keep track of where you're at better


  • Shuffled around variants for Darkmoon Device in P4M3 of the Uncharted Wildwoods to make attaining certain variants easier / less convoluted
  • Cutscenes now properly keep charge shot charged when Talia uses utility abilities
  • Added extra variants to the Clean Questions scene in the Uncharted Wildwoods to account for rare instances the player could end up triggering
  • Added fixed dialogue and voicework for the Celodst Resupply Gold Databanks
  • Added audio to Jason Bilder's scene above P3M4 in the Gratification Factory + fixes to his text and music events
  • Added branches to Jason Bilder's pre-scene in P3M4 in the Gratification Factory if you skipped the empty box and went right to him
  • Added a more thorough showing of Talia's new abilities after defeating the ADMN Spawner, after some people said they weren't sure if you could use the abilities in the air or not
  • Added more audio to Abandoned Bot in P6M5 in the Gratification Factory + fixes to his text
  • Fixed an incorrect flag on Heat Kadfe's scene in his room in the Volcanic Mines that was blocking off multiple variants from happening
  • Fixed multiple things with Erltavire Darkmoon in P4M4 of the Uncharted Wildwoods to prevent a scenario where an achievement / other variants would be locked out unintentionally
  • Fixed a cutscene variant repeating unintentionally with Accetantch Braka in P3M2 of the Uncharted Wildwoods
  • Fixed Faye behaving incorrectly in P4M2 of the Gratification Factory if you had a positive reputation with her
  • Fixed some missing audio for a variant for the Faye scene in P3M3 in the Gratification Factory
  • Fixed the Nomadic Game Over skipping lines halfway through in the Uncharted Wildwoods
  • Fixed multiple variant errors with the cutscene in P3M3 of the Volcanic Mines
  • Fixed an infinite softlock loop with Scott Hoover in EndMap28 in The End
  • Fixed a problem with a cutscene in P3M3 in the Volcanic Mines where you'd be told you had all three Gold Databanks when you only had two
  • Fixed P6M2 in the Uncharted Wildwoods so it's impossible to pass by the Infected Rebel without waking him
  • Fixed bug where Gold Databanks counted as Silver Databanks for triggering the "read a Databank for the first time" global cutscene
  • Fixed placeholder text after beating WREN without having Vie with you to be more accurate
  • Fixed bug for the Mainframe cutscene where text showing button prompts was positioned incorrectly horizontally
  • Fixed bug with Rusegarn in P1M2 of the Volcanic Mines where, despite everything, he refuses to die
  • Fixed an odd glitch with Dinso-Agure in P2M1 in the Uncharted Wildwoods
  • Fixed dialogue in the Mainframe Game Over in the Gratification Factory
  • Fixed a missing variant not triggering for one of the Fragment events in P2M5a of the Uncharted Wildwoods
  • Fixed text not matching some audio in the fourth in-between module leading into the Uncharted Wildwoods


  • Adjusted the P2M5a Fragment platforming in the Uncharted Wildwoods to both make a secondary solution more obvious, and to make things a bit more fair on the 2nd set of platforms
  • Edited EndMap20 in The End to make the path to the Fragment more clear + remove unintentional way to access Fragment
  • Multiple maps across multiple levels have had errors with them fixed
  • Multiple maps now properly hide dummy NPCs that had been accidentally showing
  • Memorial Room music now properly works
  • Updated text and added voicework to three True Endings
  • Added a Fragment icon to Megamap for the Volcanic Mines room with Heat Kadfe in it
  • Fixed bug with NPCs still animating when frozen by your Time-Stop Ice Bullet
  • Fixed bug with Faux Endings in the Gallery where they'd "relock" themselves when restarting the game
  • Fixed bug where after playing a saved game in The End, going into any other level's Gallery and viewing a cutscene results in the game crashing (due to audio loading corruption)
  • Fixed bug where viewing the Mainframe Gallery cutscene would leave Talia permanently invisible, breaking other Gallery cutscenes
  • Fixed bug with Talia being able to self-stun inside the Gallery
  • Fixed bug with flags from the last save being carried over into the Gallery, affecting cutscenes
  • Fixed bug where the main Gallery page incorrectly stated that The End Gallery had a POV animation
  • Fixed bug where there was a "fleshy" sex noise playing during part 1 of the WREN x Vie sex animation
  • Fixed bug where powerups would carry over into the Gallery (notably the chip visual effect)
  • Fixed bug where achievement pop-ups could carry over into the Gallery
  • Fixed bug with the Vie fight where the camera zoom mine trap effect would cause some of Vie's portal attacks to not fire any projectiles at Talia
  • Fixed bug where Vie's last expression would be temporarily floating mid-air when the Mega Mutabilis roar knocks her down
  • Fixed bug where there was a visual misalignment for the Moitodersk sex scene animation
  • Fixed bug where there was a visual misalignment on the Faye H-animation for the Celodst Resupply
  • Fixed bug in the Celodst Emperor sex scene where there were two overlapping graphics for the prison lock
  • Fixed bug in the Celodst Emperor sex scene where the "internal" part of the animation was covered up by the prison lock
  • Fixed bug where in some situations the camera would reposition itself after finishing zooming in or out (rather than zooming in/out with the correct camera position to begin with)
  • Fixed bug where camera movement was overly fast and jarring when zoomed in
  • Fixed bug where Talia, when having sex with an NPC or enemy that was started from a cutscene order, would make Talia (and the sex animation) invisible for the first frame
  • Fixed bug where the Jason Bilder powerup could be picked up multiple times
  • Fixed bug where databanks sometimes had one or more "@"-characters overlapping other text
  • Fixed bug in P4M2 of the Gratification Factory where the Megamap showed a fragment icon out-of-bounds (icon now shows on top of the vent)
  • Fixed Talia losing the ability to jump at some point during the Vie fight (unable to reproduce, but extra fail-safes were added to hopefully catch this bug)
  • Fixed one of the pillars in EndMap15 unintentionally being able to crush Talia from the other realm due to it instantly expanding
  • Fixed a gravity switch being in the incorrect place in a module in the Gratification Factory
  • Fixed an error in naming convention with all True Endings
  • Fixed lasers being constantly on in the laser puzzle for P3M5 of the Celodst Resupply


That's all for now, until the next patch; we'll keep working and adding to the game until it's fully complete!

Also, once you've tried the patch out, we'd like your feedback on it in a review if you get the chance!


If you'd like to follow us on Twitter, we're at

We're also at Bluesky at !

And our public Discord for Future Fragments is at

NOTE: There is NSFW content posted often on both our Twitter and Discord.


Future Fragments v1.0.5 - 1.5 GB
12 days ago

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